
Below you will find links to documents and resources you will need to complete your work towards Eagle rank.  Included are brief descriptions of each.  Some are referenced in the "Life to Eagle Steps" page, so please review that first so you know how these documents fit into this process.

General Resources:

Alpine District Website:  All of the information on earning Eagle rank can be found at this source, though it might take some digging.

Alpine District Advancement:  Identifies key individuals involved in the process of earning rank, including the Eagle Application Coordinator, Mr. Kirk Albrecht, and a list of Eagle Project Reviewers, necessary for obtaining signatures on your project proposal.

Trail to Eagle Guide (Alpine):  A document for the process of earning Eagle from the Alpine District.

Guide to AdvancementCovers advancement of all ranks, including Eagle.  Good general resource.

Documents specific to earning Eagle Rank:

Eagle Project Workbook:  (PC or Mac versions)  You will use this as described in the Life-to-Eagle Steps tab to plan, develop, implement and then report on your Eagle project.  This should be saved to your computer and date entered digitally, though you may want to print off a blank copy just for reference.
A Note on Hand-written Submissions:   If you do not have access to a computer, then it is acceptable to submit as a neat, homework-worthy, hand-written workbook.  If, however, you do have a computer, it is strongly recommended that you complete the document as a digital copy.  Not only is this an important skill to practice for both college and your future professional career, it allows you to retain a copy and more easily make changes, if necessary.  If you need guidance on this, please ask.

Guide to Safe Scouting:   Please review, particularly if your project will involve construction of any kind.  You will need to take issues of safety into consideration when you plan your project and this may be part of the discussion in your Board of Review.

Eagle Application:  To be completed when all other Eagle rank requirements have been met, including project, merit badges, and position of responsibility.  You will need to download this to your computer and then open with Adobe Acrobat in order to save this.  As with the Eagle workbook, the application may be submitted as a hand-written document, but it is strongly recommended that you opt for a digital version if you have access to a computer.

Guidelines for Letters of Reference:  Click to open.  Fill in your information and Mr. Albrecht's information, save to your computer and then use that to email your references.  Currently, due to Covid restrictions, all letters must be sent digitally, so just include his Alpine District email address (, NOT his home address.